Thursday, January 30, 2020

On Berkeley’s Concept of God and Heinous Sins Essay Example for Free

On Berkeley’s Concept of God and Heinous Sins Essay It is a misconstrual in positing that George Berkeley’s axiom that God being the author of ideas is responsible for all heinous crimes. And worst, claiming that such postulate of Berkeley is the loophole in his argument and philosophical treatise is reading his philosophic stance superficially. Relying on a version of the argument from design, Berkeley concluded that our ‘ideas’ are produced in our minds by the will of God acting directly. So God, whom we may safely assume to act (in Berkeleys estimation) in full knowledge of what he is doing, must himself have all the ideas which he generates in human minds, as well as those which he would generate, if the right human acts of will occurred to make them appropriate. And for Berkeley, this would amount to saying that God perceives the whole of physical reality, since physical reality simply is a certain infinitely complex constellation of ideas, and having them before ones consciousness is perceiving it. That would be, in itself, a welcome conclusion, when we perceive the physical world, what we do is just the same as what God does when he perceives it; all that happens in either case is that a mind has certain perceptions, nothing more, and so the human mind can be just as sure of what it perceives as is the divine mind of what it perceives. But it does not necessarily follow that he is the author of evil because as Berkeley defined sin, it is the manifestation of the spirit’s will, meaning it is not something that is innate to the motion of its body or God’s design (Berkeley 1988). Thus when ethical issues or moral conflict arises, it is not necessary to blame for the transpiration of events. For example, the espousal of capital punishment is not authored by God, but it was the product of human will and faculty. The problem is, when humanity cannot explain things, they tend to account it to God. Unfortunately, they forget that there is no necessary connection between cause and effect, and they failed to realize that heinous sins such as adultery, murder and sacrilege are not will of God but of ours.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Athletic Training Career Essay -- Sports, Health and Physical Educatio

"Here she comes around the last curve she's just about to break the world record for fastest mile run by a woman. Almost there, and she's done it! But wait, she's on the ground, gee whiz I think her knees gave out!" How is this girl going to get better? What should she do to fix this? An athletic trainer would be able to answer these questions and help this girl get back into the best physical condition possible so she could run again. The following are key parts of the Athletic Training career, including, but not limited to: requirements of education and colleges that offer programs; basic job titles and responsibilities; employers; benefits, hours, annual income; extending the job experience. An Athletic Trainer is by definition "a medical professional who prevents, assesses, treats, and rehabilitates injuries." These professionals are recognized by the American Medical Association, and are part of the Allied Health Services. Athletic Trainers must be mature enough to handle emerge ncy circumstances, such as an unexpected injury, distraught athletes and parents. They must know how to prevent injury, or evaluate an injury in order to care for and rehabilitate the injured party ("Defining" 1). Now, every good career person must have an education, and Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania is a well known college for becoming an Athletic Trainer. It has a competitive, nationally accredited, Athletic Training program so that after the first two years of college a student must apply for a position. It also has an excellent fitness facility. Curriculum generally includes "assessment and evaluation, acute care, general medical conditions and disabilities, pathology of injury and illness, therapeutic exercise, therapeutic modalities, r... ...r career extensions or changes among Athletic Trainers. The time it would take to add another degree to a resume would depend on the type of degree or certification required and the college or university attended. However, adding more degrees tends to make a person more qualified and wanted in higher paying positions, just keep in mind that higher paying positions also take more time. Athletic Training can be a very rewarding career if someone is ambitious enough to go far. The author of this paper no longer wants to become an Athletic Trainer anymore because higher pay is harder to achieve, and an extreme amount of time would be needed to get into the highest pay bracket. I think this career would be better for single, healthy people, or an athletic family that does not mind the parent being away for periods of time on, whichever, weekends, days or nights.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Walton Hi Tech industries Ltd: Overview of the Organization Structure

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the organization structure, and the goals and objectives of the chosen company and see how that structure plays a part in the formulation of strategies which aid to achieve those goals and objectives.1.1 IntroductionThe organization that has been chosen for this report is Walton Hi Tech industries Ltd( Walton HIL). Walton is a Bangladeshi manufacturing industry that specializes in the production of smartphones, home appliances, LED television sets, Generators, microwave ovens, refrigerators, cooking utilities, air conditioners, Dvd players, and motorcycles for the local Bangladeshi market, as well as the south Asian market. The company has a strong research and development division and the latest manufacturing techniques and equipment for which, the products are of a high quality, but also at a very competitive price point.1.2 Organization goals and objectives of WaltonThe ultimate goal of Walton HIL Ltd is to take its place amo ng the top consumer electronics, Automobile, and home appliance industries in the world by 2015. Previously, it had been thought that consumer products made in Bangladesh cannot be of a quality that is good. Walton has made tremendous efforts to make sure that this type of a perception could be scrapped from the minds of people, thereby giving them confidence in their products. The  following are the objectives of Walton HIL Ltd:To push the boundaries of innovation and to shape the future- foster creativity to turn people’s imaginations into reality and envision technologies that are one step further. To enhance the company value and open up new business opportunities- Walton strives to build a strong brand name image both in the local market and the International market. The profitable growth that it sustains makes the company a prime investment for shareholders.Empowering the people in the organization to achieve world class performance- Walton considers its people as the core of the organization and its competitive advantage. Respect towards the employees and open communication ensures that they give their best efforts and work hard to achieve excellence. To enter into the U.S and E.U market by 2015- Walton aims to expand its reach into the U.S and E.U markets by creating international brands that get a maximum price in those markets. 1.3 Organization structure of Walton:From the information I gathered from the website of the company, it is evident that Walton has a product based organization structure. The Company’s efforts are centered around its main products, and extending their reach to other markets abroad. Employees from departments like Sales, Marketing, Finance, operations, and so on, report to the vice president supervising the production of a specific product. For example, the finance, operation, marketing, and sales departments reporting to the vice president handling the production of Motorcycles.All the vice presidents handling the operations of each product line will report directly to the CEO of the company. This type of organization structure has some advantages, as well as some disadvantages. The Advantages are: More focus on products and customers- the focus on products and customers ensures that quality products are made, which deliver satisfaction to the customers It is easier to evaluate the performance of the product.Product responsiveness to market changes from time to time. So it is possible to know whether the product has been successful in the market or not. There is less of a burden on the CEO, to make operating decisions. The disadvantages of this type of structure are:There may be limitations on the economies of scale achieved as, companies with such an organization structure may not have yet expanded to other major potential international markets such as, Europe and America. There tends to be multiple product groups. So it may be difficult to choose between those groups. Conflicts can ari se between the product groups and the corporate objectives.1.4 How the Organization structure of Walton helps to formulate strategiesFormulating corporate strategies for a company requires analyzing the industry or environmental conditions in which the company operates. Assessing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a company is also important. The proper analysis of these factors will greatly determine whether the strategies formulated will be successful or not. The product based organization structure of Walton means that greater emphasis is given on the products of the company, and customer satisfaction.So therefore, the structure will tend to fuel the need for more research and development and analysis which will give the company a competitive advantage over its rivals. In order to do so, a company has to either differentiate its products from the competition and set a premium price justifying the ‘uniqueness’ of the products, or offer products a t a low and attractive price that still meets the quality standards. Walton primarily aims to offer products at a reasonable price point that are of a high quality.So the tendency to put the customer’s needs and requirements at a top priority helps the company design and manufacture products that not only has high demand in the local market, but also maintains a high amount of export value in foreign countries. A SWOT analysis of Walton can illustrate the competitive advantages or disadvantages that are present within the company, and furthermore examine how the objectives can be achieved.The strengths of the company are: Walton is the only company in Bangladesh that diversifies production in multiple industries. Other local competitors of Walton only concentrate production on mainly smartphones and mobile phones. Walton has achieved various stringent quality standards certificates, which puts the company above the competition in terms of quality control.The Smartphonesmanufa ctured by Walton carry a price that is very competitive and at the same time offers a wealth of features. So they can compete quite well with even some of the biggest players in the mobile phone industry, just because of the price point. Walton has the latest machines and testing equipment in its production plant, including 3D printers, which allows rapid prototype models to be made. The weaknesses of Walton are:There may be too many products for the company to manufacture. While Walton manufactures the latest LED television sets, they are also producing the old CRT television sets which basically is almost phased out, and in not much demand. Walton may be a bit too late in considering to step into the pc market as, it is already saturated with lots of chinese pc makers and other premium pc manufacturers which may prove to be quite some tough competition to deal with. The opportunities of Walton are:Walton has a clear chance and opportunity to enter into the E.U and U.S markets by 2 015. Those are very potential markets for Walton which can increase their export revenue by a mile. If Walton can shift production from motorcycles to cars, it could open up yet another huge potential market for the company. An entry level smartphone can be manufactured by the company to increase the sales of the Walton Primo brand.The following are the threats of Walton:Increasing pressure from other competitors, particularly the Indian motorbike manufacturers like Bajaj, and Hero Honda, who are leading the motorbike industry. Walton still hasn’t built up a brand image for their LED television sets. So consumers may tend to purchase a regular LED TV from another renowned brand like Samsung, instead of the smart TV sets of Walton at a cheaper price. Chinese smartphone maker Huawei has started to supply their windows powered handsets in collaboration with Rangs in Bangladesh. They could eventually capture a significant market share in Bangladesh before Walton. So Huawei is a t hreat to Walton.From the SWOT analysis that has been carried out, it is evident that achieving the objectives of the company is not so simple as it seems. While Walton has already created a brand value among its customers, they still have a long way to go. If they can enter the E.U and U.S market, the company will have a great chance to solidify their brand image and strengthen the company name. As mentioned earlier, Walton has a product based organizational structure. Now in this type of structure, the vice presidents all report to the CEO.And since the vice presidents co-ordinate the operation of the departments such as accounts, finance, HR, and so on, these departments work smoothly, as there is no delay in decision making. The burden of decision making to the CEO is thus lessened. The Product based structure is all about the products of the company. so therefore the performance of the product in the market is quite important. The structure will force the company to undergo rese arch and development into the latest products, so that the company can increase their profits. In terms of expansion into other potential markets of the company, the product structure keeps the company performing at their level best to improve upon the current line of products, and come up with new products.The threats, and weaknesses of the company may play a part in creating a barrier to achieving some of the objectives of the company. For example, if Walton wants to expand into the E.U and U.S market, they have to export their smartphones. In this case, one question that would come into play is, how saturated is the E.U and U.S markets with chinese handset manufacturers? This question will help the company take into account the competition it will be facing and market the product accordingly so it has an edge over the competition. So the threats and weaknesses create a barrier, but the structure helps to formulate the strategies in such a way that the barriers can be overcome.1.5 Recommendation:The organization structure of Walton helps to bring out new products through research, and helps to formulate strategies to achieve goals and objectives. One of the objectives of the company states that by 2015 it will expand into the U.S and E.U markets. After expanding into those markets, the product based organization structure may hold the company back. So then there may be a need for a change in organization structure of Walton as, the company will have to ship products to different geographic regions. So a geographical/regional organization structure might be more suitable for  Walton at that point. A geographical organization structure means that the regional department/headquarters is situated in each region. So all the operations can be carried out locally in that region.1.6 Conclusion:Walton’s organization structure fuels its need for better research into products. Walton has a bright future ahead, with the visions planned. The company has plans to expand into other markets such as the computer market. Not only that, Walton also envisions supplying the local market with their own motorcycles, and therefore attempt to curb the imports of motorcycles to Bangladesh. The company is doing its best to make sure its future plans are successful and indeed come out as one one of the top electronics company among the world in the year 2015.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Reflection On God s The Lord God Planted A Garden Essay

In this essay, I will take the position that God waited to create Eve in order to properly prepare Adam to be a husband/leader. Being the very first being created on earth and having no experience in how to live, God would need to teach Adam the necessary steps for a productive and successful life. Especially since there was a fallen being roaming around, God needed Adam’s full attention to establish a relationship with him, teach him the importance of guarding something precious, and that obeying Him leads to prosperity. My first point as to why God delays His creation of Eve is so that God can first establish a relationship with Adam. In Chapters 2. 7, 2. 8 and 2. 15, you see God creating man after His own image. What’s interesting is that verse 8 says, â€Å"The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed†. When God created man, He specifically placed him in the eastward, area in the garden of Eden. Then in verse 15 it says, â€Å"Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden†. This verse implies that God takes him from the eastward spot and places him in another spot of Eden. The question we could ask ourself is: Why would God make the man, put him on the east side of Eden, but then take him out and place him in another part of Eden? The Bible does not give us a descriptive reason for Adam’s first placement and his movement to another, but what we can know is that God was spending time with Adam. Looking at the timeShow MoreRelatedNature of Discipleship and Studying Marks Gospel Essay2134 Words   |  9 Pages but they dont because an apostle means messenger, one sent out I will also send you out to preachMk3v14. They are sent out to tell sinners and gentiles to believe the good news. They are sending out a message about the Kingdom of God and the Good News. Another example of a messenger is Elijah who was a messenger for the Messiah. 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